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To ensure a smooth and effective presentation process, please carefully adhere to the following guidelines.

General Instructions for Presentation

Please ensure you arrive on time for all presentations, whether it's your own or others'.

Presenters should remember to allocate equal and fair time slots for each presentation and avoid going over the allotted time.

During presentations, participants should refrain from conversing with each other and ensure their mobile phones are either turned off or set to silent mode.

All presentation rooms will be equipped with a desktop or laptop computer that has PowerPoint installed. These computers will be connected to an LCD projector and screen.

We recommend using the provided computer by plugging in your USB flash drive.

It is advisable to bring two copies of your presentation in case of any technical issues. Additionally, we suggest sending your presentation slides to your own email as an extra precaution.

Please note that no microphones will be available during the sessions due to room capacity.

You are required to load your presentation slides in the presentation rooms at least two hours before your scheduled presentation.

Specific Instructions for Presentation

Presentation should be conducted in English

Oral presentation is comprised of a 10-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A session

The presentation slides must be given to the committee at the beginning of the slot to avoid any technical delays

The sessions will be facilitated by a moderator appointed by the committee

Please remain in your session room for the entire session as the moderator may conduct a general discussion and gives the certificate to every presenter at the end of the presentations